Book and lyrics by Barbara Hammond. Book and music by Marc Chan. A full-length musical about two women Katherine and Nicole, tracing the day they met and their reunion, some 20 years later. On the surface, it’s a story about their decades-long friendship, but at its core, it’s a Proustian retrieval of lost time. Each scene alternates between the younger and older pair: this cross-cutting intensifies as past and present collide, allowing for futures to be reimagined and rewritten.

With Kimberly Chatterjee (YOUNGER KATHERINE), Angel Desai (OLDER KATHERINE), 
Audrey Rae McHale (YOUNGER NICOLE) and Tracy Michailidis (OLDER NICOLE)

Recorded Live at New Dramatists March 16 2018

YOU AND ME received extensive workshop time and space as part of New Dramatists’ Jerry A Tishman Playwrights Creativity Fund.